Thursday, 25 January 2024
Born on this day: Govert Flinck (1615-1660)
Dear reader,
Happy 2024 everyone! Let's start fresh with some exhibitions and job opportunities... Here we go!
#Amsterdam In the Print Cabinets of the Rijksmuseum the exhibition Art in the Making is on display until 26 May. It sheds light on the processes through which artists make their work, from preliminary sketch to final work of art. The display features several recent acquisitions: Rembrandt's copper plate of the stoning of St. Stephen, donated by Simon Schama and Virginia E. Papaioannou, six copper plates of Adriaen van Ostade and preliminary studies by Adriaen de Weerdt.
#Antwerp At the Museum Plantin-Moretus you can go see From scribble to cartoon: drawings from Bruegel to Rubens. In this exhibition, the museum shows the 100 most beautiful old master drawings from Flemish collections. Until 18 February 2024.
#Antwerp The KMSKA in Antwerp opens the exhibition Black on White. Rubens Graphics from the KSMKA collection tomorrow (26 January)! Rubens owed his worldwide fame partly to the prints he commissioned from his paintings. These prints are masterpieces in their own right, transforming colour and form into black and white. Until 12 May.
#Exeter At the Royal Albert Memorial Museum Pressing Images: prints from Exeter’s fine art collection is on view from 30 January. The exhibition will illustrate to visitors the results of the dawn of the revolution brought about by the introduction of the printing press. A multifaceted selection of forty-five works on paper and print plates, woodblocks and other printing tools will lead audiences on a captivating journey through time, from 16th-century woodcuts to the cutting-edge creations of the 21st century.
#London On view in The Royal Academy: Impressionists on Paper: Degas to Toulouse-Lautrec. In the whirl of modernity that was late 19th-century France, Impressionist and Post-Impressionist artists radically transformed the future direction of art. But it wasn’t just through their paintings. In a subtle but seismic shift, they lifted the status of works on paper from something preparatory to artworks in their own right. Until 10 March 2024.
#London At the Royal Academy you can soon go see “Art, Colonialism and Change”. The exhibition brings together over 100 major contemporary and historic works (ranging from immersive installations and film to intimate works on paper and poetry) as part of a conversation about art and its role in shaping narratives around empire, enslavement, resistance, abolition and colonialism – and how it may help set a course for the future. From February 3 to April 28, 2024.
#Geneva In the International Museum of the Reformation in Geneva you can go see: Rembrandt and the Bible. Divine etching. In collaboration with the Museum of Art and History (MAH), the Museum shows 70 etchings by Rembrandt until March 17, 2024.
#Vevey At Musée Jenisch Vevey you can visit the exhibit From Raphael to Piranesi until 28 April 2024.
#SanFrancisco At the MOMA in San Francisco you can go see the photo exhibition Zanele Muholi: Eye Me until August 11 2024.
#awards #grants #lastchance The Association of Print Scholars (APS) is offering a Collaboration Grant with a maximum award of $1,000 for public programs and projects that foster collaboration between members of the print community and/or encourage dialogue between the print community and the general public. The APS also invites applications for the tenth Schulman and Bullard Article Prize. The Prize is given annually to an article published by an early-career scholar that features compelling and innovative research on fine art prints or printmaking. DL for both: 31 January 2024.
#curatorialassistant #job The Draiflessen Collection, Mettingen, is looking for a curatorial assistant for a maximum of two years for the exhibition Magische Frauen, taking place fall 2025. DL: 31 January 2024.
#fellowship The Library Company of Philadelphia invites candidates for the William H. Helfand Fellowship for American Visual Culture. The fellowship is designed to promote scholarship in visual culture through the study of textual and graphic sources from the 16th through early 20th centuries held in the Library Company’s collections. DL: 1 February 2024.
#cfp #lastchance #photo For the conference titled 'The Photographer's Assistants', organised by the De Montfort University in Leicester, at the Photographic History Research Centre (PHRC) scholars are invited to consider the role and agency of human and non-human assistants in the making, collecting and dissemination of photographs. DL: 2 February 2024.
#cfp As part of the project “Antiquitatum Thesaurus. Antiquities in the European Image Sources of the 17th and 18th Centuries” the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (BBAW) and the Central Institute for Art History Munich are organizing a series of colloquia on the topic of "'Imaging in Antiquity' in 2023-2025. On the episteme of drawings and prints in the early modern period". The aim is to examine the significance of drawings and prints for ideas, research and the circulation of knowledge on ancient artefacts, architecture and images in Europe and neighboring areas from the late Middle Ages to the emergence of photography in the mid-19th century. Find more information here. Proposals can be submitted until 17 March 2024 together with a short CV (max. 150 words) to, subject “Episteme III”.
#cfp In 2024 the European Society for Periodical Research (ESPRit) will convene its Twelfth International Conference in Urbino, Italy, to focus on the theme of PERIODICALS: S.T.E.A.M. AHEAD! The symposium takes place 11-13 September 2024. The history of journals and magazines runs parallel to the industrial and scientific revolutions. Technological progress has shaped the materiality of periodicals, including the type of paper, graphic design and technologies for the reproduction of both text and images. DL for proposals: 29 February 2023.
#call #photography Are you between 18 and 30 years old and is photography your passion? Take part in the open call of the Le Stanze della Fotografia Foundation! The contest is announced on the occasion of the next HELMUT NEWTON exhibition, LEGACY which will open in Venice in March 2024. The initiative aims to recognize the talent of emerging photographers, including non-professionals, by encouraging them in their professional career. Find more info here. DL: 29 February 2024.
#lectureseries Join the lecture series, organised by The Bodies, Emotions and Material Culture Collective of the University of Manchester. This year it will delve into Albrecht Dürer’s material world.
On 29 February: Prof Alexander Marr (Cambridge), Unknotting Dürer’s Jerome.
#fun The Plantin Moretus in Antwerp organizes fun events around their exhibitions, such as exclusive drawing nocturnes from 20.00 to 22.00h (with a special Valentine edition on 14 February) and Im-press-ive Wednesdays for the whole family, with storytelling, tours, workshops and more!
#ArsGraphica #spread the word #getintouch Ars Graphica seeks new coordinators for our local satellites! This is your chance to promote the Graphic Arts in your area. As the local satellite coordinator you may, for example, organize collection visits, informal meetings, or visits to any event connected to the Graphic Arts for the AG members in your area.
We are looking for people for AG London and AG Paris. Or, if you want to set up a satellite in your own area, please let us know as well! Don't hesitate to contact us for more information! Email our president at
See you next month!
The News Corner Team,
Iris Louwersheimer &
Marte Sophie Meessen
AG communication coordinators