Thursday, 25 March 2021
Born on this day: Peter van Straaten (1935-2016)
Dear reader,
Finally, spring!
We have selected some interesting exhibitions and opportunities for you again this March.
#comingsoon The Newberry Library in Chicago announces the exhibition ¡Viva la Libertad! to open 2 April 2021. Featuring maps, manuscripts, and rare books from their own collection, this exhibition addresses the Age of Revolutions 200 years ago.
#open The exhibition 'After Michelangelo, Past Picasso: Leo Steinberg’s Library of Prints' is on view in The Blanton Museum of Art, Austin TX, since 7 February. Open until 9 May, it shows Steinberg's legacy as a print collector. Selections from his over 3500 prints will illuminate Steinberg’s insight that prints are the “circulating lifeblood of ideas,” disseminating compositions, motifs, and styles across geographic, material and temporal boundaries, while also presenting highlights of the European printmaking tradition.
#open The MET in NY shows a selection from the Department of Drawings and Prints themed 'New York Inspired'. You can visit the exhibition until 26 April.
#open The Musée Jenisch in Vevey dedicates an exhibition to the collection of the Lausanne physician Pierre Decker. The exhibition 'Dürer et Rembrandt. La collection Pierre Decker' is on view since 2 March, until 30 May!
#open Museum Plantin Moretus in Antwerp asked five young graphic artists to capture Antwerp anno 2020 on paper. This resulted in the 'Papieren Stad', on view from 13 March until 11 April. Buy your ticket here!
#extended Extended until 24 May! 'Passion for Pictures: Netherlandish Drawings of the Eighteenth Century' in the Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main. On display are drawings of successful eighteenth century artists, as well as high quality work of amateurs. Eighty works in total, the exhibition illustrates the emancipation of drawing in the Netherlands in the eighteenth century, as well as the preference for the picturesque, and the examination of the art of the Dutch seventeenth century.
*** Museums are opening and closing as a result of Covid-19 related restrictions and following government advice. As this is rather unpredictable, we advise you to keep an eye out for the reopening of museums near you ***
#fellowship The Yale University Art Gallery seeks to fill the Florence B. Selden Fellowship, a one-year, full time position. Reporting to the curators of Prints and Drawings, the fellow will supervise the department’s active study room and act as the primary liaison between the department and faculty teaching from the collections of works on paper. The fellow will receive training in the cataloguing, handling and researching of works on paper. Mentorship will also be provided on giving gallery talks, curating exhibitions et cetera. Interested? Apply here! DL: 2 April 2021.
#curator The Yale Center for British Art seeks a Curator of Prints and Drawings with a great record of exhibitions and publications, to oversee the museum’s renowned collection of works on paper. Check out the link for more information. DL: 1 June 2021.
#HeadofGraphicArtDep Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nürnberg searches for a head of the Graphic Art Department, per September 2021. The renowned collection holds works on paper from the 15th to the 20th century, and cultural historical and special collections. Visit the website for the further details on the position. DL: 30 April 2021.
#stipend Two foundations (Dr. Günther Findel-Stiftung and the Rolf and Ursula Schneider-Stiftung) award scholarships to doctoral students. The international program is open to all historically oriented subjects. It particularly supports projects that include the holdings of the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel. Applicants may apply for a fellowship of between 2 and 10 months. Visit the website for more information. DL: 4 April 2021.
#curator #lastchance The Klassik Stiftung Weimar has a vacancy for a curator of the Department of Graphic Art. The graphic collections in Weimar are among the most important German collections for European drawings, prints, and photography, made between the 15th century and the present day. DL: 31 March 2021.
#grant #lastchance The American Historical Print Collectors Society (AHPCS) encourages museums and non-profit institutions to apply for the Wendy Shadwell Conservation Grant, meant for the preservation of early American prints. DL: 31 March 2021.
#drawings Master Drawings is seeking submissions by scholars under the age of 40 for their Fourth Annual Ricciardi Prize! The winning submission will be published in 2022 and awarded $5,000. Submit your unpublished article on a drawings topic by 15 November 2021.
#photography Photographica calls for papers for their new issue 'Derrière l’image. Pour une histoire sociale et culturelle des producteurs de photographies' (Behind the picture. Towards a social and cultural history of photographic image producers). Check the website for the details. DL: 30 April 2021.
#photography Screen Time magazine focuses on the role of images in an increasingly online world. They are currently seeking submissions for their first print issue themed 'Writing on networked photography and digital culture'. They welcome critical essays, conversations and features, that look closer at how lives are shaped by the photographs seen through screens. Further details can be found on the website. DL: 5 April 2021.
#photography The conference 'PARADIGMS OF PHOTOGRAPHY - Theories and Poetics in Dialogue with the Visual Arts', aims to carry out a wide-ranging exploration of photographic research in the arts' overall development. Please check the website for details. DL: 30 April 2021.
#colourprinting #conference On 23 and 24 June 2022 the conference 'Printing Colour and Colouring Prints in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Europe: Comparative Perspectives' will take place, organized by the Institute of Art History at the University of Warsaw, Poland. Check the link for the call for papers, DL: 1 November 2021.
#prints #lastchance Grafica d'Arte calls for papers for the next issue. The papers written in Italian may address topics such as 20th century color engravings and lithographs, 20th century prints on actresses or dancers, engravings, lithographs and drawings about diseases, hospitals, iconographical analysis, and more. Check the website for the details. DL: 28 March 2021.
#printscholarship The Association of Print Scholars invites thematic proposals for its sponsored panel at the 2022 College Art Association (CAA) annual conference to be held in Chicago, IL, between 16 and 19 February 2022. The paper may be related to any period, theme, or aspect of print scholarship. APS encourages proposals that transcend chronological or geographic boundaries, as well as those that engage current theoretical interests in materialism, archival theory, bibliographic studies, history of ideas, or social history, including feminism and critical race studies. Check the website for details. DL: 9 April 2021.
#series The public series to the exhibition ¡Viva la Libertad! will bring together scholars, writers, artists, and community members to discuss the independence struggles of the Americas and their legacies. The programming starts April 24.
#Women'sHistoryMonth In the light of WHM many museums and cultural institutions discuss the representational imbalance and highlight valuable contributions of women throughout (art) history.
#publication German printers in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were colorfully creative marvels. Their work is explored in detail for the first time in Early Colour Printing: German Renaissance Woodcuts at the British Museum by Dr. Elizabeth Savage.
The News Corner Team,
See you next month!
Iris Louwersheimer &
Marte Sophie Meessen
AG communication coordinators