Thursday, 21st February 2019
Born on this day: Ernest Meissonier, French painter (1815)
--> closing soon! The exhibition L'Art et la manière. Dessins français du XVIIIe siècle dans les collections des Musées de Marseille is currently on show at the Centre de la Vieille Charité (Musées de Marseille)...until February 24th!
Anselm Kiefer │ Books and woodcuts is the result of a collaboration between the Jan Michalski Foundation for Writing and Literature in Montricher and the Astrup Fearnley Museet in Oslo. It aims to point up the artist’s many connections with poetry, myths, Sumerian and Biblical stories, fairytales, history, philosophy, Kabbalah, alchemy, and more, through a series of books dating from the years 1969 to 2017, and an accompanying selection of woodcuts, the most recent of which are being shown for the first time (until 12th May).
TOUCH. Prints by Kiki Smith (Münich, Pinakothek der Moderne, 14th February - 26th May). The exhibition is being staged to mark an extraordinarily generous gift from the New York artist, Kiki Smith (b. 1954 in Nuremberg). The artist has provided the collection with nearly all the edited printwork she has produced over her lifetime – hundreds of individual prints, portfolios and illustrated books created since the mid-1980s – making Munich the only place in the world where her work as a printmaker is comprehensively represented.
The Musée Rodin is hosting Dessiner, découper (until April 7th). The exhibition presents nearly 250 of Rodin's drawings, 90 of which are characterised by the cutting and assembly of figures, a process reveals audacious cut-out silhouettes and a dynamic of great modernity.
The recruiting company D.R.A.W. is advertising a job offer from a growing auction house in London who is looking for an expert in prints and multiples who will deal with cataloguing, evaluations, pre and post-sales tasks and will be responsible for strategic and business development. To have more information on this role, please visit D.R.A.W. website.
Call for Applications: Wolfgang Ratjen Award 2019 - Award for Distinguished Research in the Graphic Arts. The prize, funded by the Foundation Wolfgang Ratjen, is curated and presented by CONIVNCTA FLORESCIT Friends of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte. The purpose of this award, which honours the memory of the collector Wolfgang Ratjen (1943–1997), is to encourage younger scholars to address neglected topics and to bring the results of their work to the attention of a broader public. Consideration will be given to a Ph.D. dissertation, M.A. thesis, or publication, dealing with art historical questions which involve drawings or prints in Western art. Applicants should have an academic background. The winning candidate, chosen by an independent committee of scholars, will receive € 6,000, and is expected to spend three months conducting research at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich. Candidates are requested to send a copy of the research paper in question, along with a curriculum vitae detailing academic qualifications, copies of certificates and a list of publications to: Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, to the attention of Prof. Dr. Iris Lauterbach, Katharina-von-Bora-Str. 10, 80333 Munich/Germany,
The application deadline is March 15, 2019.
On Saturday, March 2nd (4-6PM), the Musei Civici in Pavia will host a roundtable (in Italian) on contemporary graphic art, entitled: Segni del tempo. La grafica contemporanea tra insegnamento, valorizzazione e mercato.
Speakers include the current exhibition curators (Sara Bodini, Patrizia Foglia, Renato Galbusera, Diego Galizzi, Ivan Pengo) and Laura Aldovini (Musei Civici di Pavia), Sara Fontana (Dipartimento di Musicologia e Beni culturali, Università di Pavia), Simone Guaita (President Fondazione Il Bisonte, Firenze), Luca Nicoletti (art historian), Lorenza Salamon (Fondazione Federica Galli - Galleria Salamon, Milano), Giovanni Turria (Vicedirector, Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia).
For the cycle "Les Trésors de Richelieu", Tuesday, March 12th (6.15-7.30PM) at the INHA in Paris, Sidonie Lemeux-Fraitot (chargée des collections at the Musée Girodet) and Rémi Cariel (conservateur en chef du patrimoine, chargé de la valorisation du fonds patrimonial at the INHA Library) will talk about Girodet's italian carnet, used between 1792 and 1810.
Anne-Louis Girodet, feuillet de Carnet, vers 1792-1810, Paris, Bibliothèque de l’INHA, Ms 513 (
Do you remember that last year our Dutch&Flemish satellite visited the exhibition Haute Lecture by Colard Mansion. Innovating Text and Image in Medieval Bruges that took place at the Groeningemuseum in Bruges (March 1 – June 3, 2018)? Jeroen Luyckx, one of the satellite coordinators, has just published a review on the exhibition catalogue: here it is! And here --> is the blog post written after the visit to Bruges last year. Enjoy!
Our Paris satellite has just launched their next activity dans la ville lumière: on 19th March at 6PM they will visit the exhibition Le Musée Pouchkine. Cinq cents ans de dessins de maîtres that is currently on display (until 12th May) at the Fondation Custodia. The exhibition covers six centuries of European and Russian drawing schools coming from the Pushkin State Museum (Moscow) collections. To attend, please contact arsgraphicaparis(at)!

To share a project, an exhibition or an event, please contact arsgraphicacommunication(at) !
See you in two weeks!
Silvia Massa
Ars Graphica communication coordinator