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  • Małgorzata Biłozór-Salwa

Catalogues of the collection of the Print Room of the University of Warsaw Library are out now!

With the greatest pride and joy, we would like to present the latest catalogues of the collection of the Print Room of the University of Warsaw Library. They are the result of scientific research, queries and consultations conducted in the years 2014-2019, as well as of a meticulous multi-stage publishing process.

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Published jointly, in a uniform edition, the catalogues cover four main parts of the collection of the university's collection of prints and drawings, whose bicentenary of existence was celebrated in 2018. The catalogues in both Polish and English are fully illustrated and prepared with the application of scientific methodology. The catalogues cover a few selected sets, which represents only a part of the rich collection of works on paper.

Jolanta Talbierska Old Master Drawings. From the 15th Century to the 1820s. Netherlandish, Dutch and Flemish Schools. ISBN 978-83-953825-0-5 (series) ISBN 978-83-953825-6-7

The section of the old foreign master drawings is represented by Netherlandish, Flemish and Dutch schools. In her catalogue Prof. Jolanta Talbierska PhD (grant leader) discussed 211 works, 83 of which have not been published so far. Among the 109 identified authors, we can find, for example, Pieter Coecke van Aelst, Willem Drost, Jacob Jordaens, Peter Paul Rubens, and Rembrandt van Rijn.

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Małgorzata Biłozór-Salwa Old Master Drawings. From the 15th Century to the 1820s. Polish school: S. ISBN 978-83-953825-0-5 (series) ISBN 978-83-953825-1-2

In the catalogue on the old Polish master drawings, Małgorzata Biłozór-Salwa PhD studied over 300 drawings by six authors: Józef Sierakowski, Wincenty Smokowski, Antoni, Franciszek and Łukasz Smuglewicz, and Jan Szeymecler.

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Przemysław Wątroba Architectural and decorative drawings. Tilman van Gameren, volume I and II. ISBN 978-83-953825-0-5 (series) ISBN 978-83-953825-8-1

The section of architectural drawings is represented by the monumental, two-volume catalogue on the works by Tilman van Gameren. Przemysław Wątroba collected and discussed 599 works by the Dutch architect who lived and created in the Republic of Poland. He separated them from the so-called Tilman's Archive, a collection of drawings belonging to the artist, which is kept in the Print Room of BUW.

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Małgorzata Łazicka Old Master Prints. From the 15th Century to the 1820s. German school. Barthel Beham and Sebald Beham. ISBN 978-83-953825-0-5 (series) ISBN 978-83-953825-2-9

The part which, although to a small extent, brings us closer to the extremely rich collection of old foreign prints is the catalogue on two authors of the German school, Barthel and Sebald Bahamas. Małgorzata Łazicka discussed there 254 prints by the artists known collectively as Kleinmeister.

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The publication of the catalogues coincided with the significant restrictions on public activity caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. For that reason, it is not possible to organize the previously planned scientific conference and presentation of the original works discussed in the catalogues at the University of Warsaw Library. Nevertheless, with all lovers of prints and drawings in mind, we have prepared audiovisual materials that will bring them closer to the research process and more interesting topics discussed in the publications.

The scholarly analysis of the collection and the publication of research results in printed catalogues in the Polish and English language versions were possible thanks to the grant from the National Programme for the Development of Humanities No. 11 H 13 0045 82


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