- Silvia Massa
The Centro Culturale Chiasso (CH) dedicates an exhibition to the artist, designer and photographer Franco Grignani (1908-1999) whose work, anticipating optical art, dealt very much with the dynamics of vision. The exhibition, entitled Polisensorialità fra arte, grafica e fotografia, will be open from February 17 to September 15.
EMPATIE/CONTAMINAZIONI. Dialoghi tra materia e segno is opening at the Musei Civici in Pavia (Scuderia del Castello Visconteo) on Saturday 9 February at 11.30. The exhibition, curated by Sara Bodini, Patrizia Foglia, Renato Galbusera, Diego Galizzi, Ivan Pengo, presents the work of 40 contemporary artists whose work was put in dialogue with the art of Azuma, Bodini, Marini and Messina. The exhibition will be open until March 10 and will then move to Gemonio and Abbiategrasso.
Graver pour le roi is the title of the exhibition about the Chalcographie collections which will open at the Louvre on February 21 (commissaire: Jean-Gérald Castex). Save the date for the exhibition presentation taking place at the Louvre on February 27 at 12.30 and for the guided tours and ateliers scheduled for the upcoming weekends (the complete calendar is available online).
The association ARTECO organises the conference: Present Archives. Riflessioni a partire da un fondo di stampe which will take place on February 22 in Turin at CAMERA - Centro Italiano per la Fotografia. Talks will tackle several issues revolving around cataloguing and archiving prints collections held in libraries and other institutions.
CFP: Stereotypes in Motion. On changing letterpress/image relations in illustrated magazines and books (1830-1860): 22-23 May 2019, Bochum. Contributions will be published in the research unit’s e-journal PeriodIcon. Studien zur visuellen Kultur des Journals / Studies in the visual culture of journals. Send your applications by February 15.
Harvard University invites applications and nominations for the Philip Hofer Curator of Printing and Graphic Arts (P&GA) at Houghton Library. The position will remain open until filled, applications will be reviewed beginning February 22, 2019. Follow this link for more details.
The IADA, International Association of Book and Paper Conservators, organises a workshop on Identification of Photomechanical Prints in Berlin, 13-14 June. The workshop language will be English, and led by Hildegard Homburger. Applications due by 30 May.
AG Swiss has just released the details of their next event: the Swiss satellite of Ars Graphica will visit the storages of the Cabinet d’arts graphiques du Musée d'art et d'histoire de Genève on Tuesday 12 March at 13.30. If you would like to attend you are kindly requested to contact the Swiss satellite arsgraphicaswiss(at)gmail.com before March 5.
AG Polska has just published a detailed and highly illustrated report on their visit to the exhibition: Very diverse and very exquisite. Graphics from the collection of Zachęta (“Bardzo różnie i bardzo dobrze. Grafiki z kolekcji Zachęty”) in The Zachęta National Gallery of Art. The group was guided by one of the curators – Małgorzata Bogdańska. Interested? You can read the report on our blog!
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Silvia Massa
AG communication coordinator