- Silvia Massa
8 November, 2018
Born on this day: Theodoor J. Canneel (1817)
Bologna, San Giorgio in Poggioreale: "Ogni cosa quaggiù passa e non dura. Giuseppe Maria Mitelli e la fugacità del vivere." On display until 30 November.
--> closing soon <-- Berlin, SMB, Gemäldegalerie: "Impressions of the Thirty Years's War. Printmaking from the Kupferstichkabinett." On display until 11 November.
Munich, Pinakothek der Modern: "Grande Decorazione: Italian Monumental Painting in Prints - Works from three centuries" (until 6 January)
Karlsruhe, Kunsthalle: Seeing Thinking Dreaming. French drawings from the Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe (until 13 January).
Bagnacavallo, Museo Civico delle Cappuccine: "Max Klinger. Inconscio, mito e passioni alle origini del destino dell'uomo." Closing 15 January.
--> DON'T FORGET --> to check the programme of exhibitions, workshops and events that will take place this weekend during the Wochenende der Grafik!
* CFP Cultures of Play, 1300–1700 (Amsterdam University Press) Please contact Erika Gaffney, egaffney(at)aup.nl, with any questions, or to submit a proposal (deadline 31/12/18).
* joint FELLOWSHIP Warburg/I Tatti (September 30, 2019-June 20, 2020). Applications due: 30/11/2018.
* CFA 2019 Terra Foundation Academic Awards, Fellowships and Grants to help scholars in the field of American art realize their academic and professional goals and support the worldwide study and presentation of the art of the United States up to 1980.
* CFA Wolfgang Ratjen Award 2019: Award for Distinguished Research in the Graphic ArtsConsideration will be given to a Ph.D. dissertation, M.A. thesis, or publication, dealing with art historical questions which involve drawings or prints in Western art. Candidates for the award are requested to send a copy of the research paper in question, along with a curriculum vitae detailing academic qualifications, copies of certificates and a list of publications to: Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, to the attention of Prof. Dr. Iris Lauterbach, Katharina-von-Bora-Str. 10, 80333 Munich/Germany, fellowships(at)zikg.eu. Deadline March 15, 2019.
* FELLOWSHIP: The Institut pour la photographie is launching the first edition of its research and creation support programme on the theme “Photography, object of dissemination". Deadline 30 November.
* CFP: Photo Archives VII: The Majority World (Florence, 24–25 Oct 19). Conference organized by Akkasah, the Center for Photography at New York University Abu Dhabi, in collaboration with the Photothek of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut. Deadline 7 January, 2019.
* The Boston Athenaeum seeks a Rare Visual Materials Catalog Librarian to catalog posters from its Richard Cheek World War II Graphic Arts Collection. Applications due 28 November.
* The Brandenburgischen Landesmuseum für moderne Kunst is looking for a new Kustos (painting, sculpture and graphic art collection). This permanent full-time job will start on June 1st, 2019. Deadline 16 December.
* Next week, AG ROMA will visit Villa Massimo, headquarters of the Accademia Tedesca. They will visit the Accademia, the photography exhibition currently on show and two resident artists' studios.
To attend, send an email to arsgraphicaroma(at)gmail.com
* Next weekend, AG PARIS invites us to join them on a tour of the exhibition "Vagues de renouveau. Estampes japonaises modernes 1900-1960" (on view until January 6) at the Fondation Custodia in Paris. The tour will be guided by Marie-Noëlle Grison, AG member and former Junior Curator of Drawings and Prints at the Fondation Custodia.
To sign up for this AG event, get in touch with our Paris satellite arsgraphicaparis(at)gmail.com.
We are more or less 7 weeks away from the end of the year
and thus from the beginning of 2019.
2019 marks 500 years after Leonardo da Vinci's death.
Museums worldwide are ready to launch (some have already launched) special initiatives to celebrate THE artist.
If you are organising or writing something Leonardo-related, please let us know! We are collecting infos to prepare a Leonardo da Vinci-NewsCorner issue. Thanks in advance!