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  • Silvia Massa



Science loves art, art loves science: the Politecnico University in Turin (Italy), whose core subjects are engineering, architecture and technology, has just granted a free Museum Pass for Turin and Piedmont's museums to all its students (provided that they are on time with their exams' schedule!!) and employees. That's a nice Xmas present! Have you ever thought about giving a museum pass as Xmas or birthday present...?


7 December 2017

Born today: Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598)


The Albertina will soon host Masterpieces of Architectural Drawing, featuring around 120 masterpieces from Late Gothic to XXth c. (opening December 15 until February 25).

At the Istituto Centrale per la Grafica in Rome you can see the "Etruscan" watercolours by Alessandro Morani, on display until February 4.

At the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge you can find two shows going on: until February 25, Marcellin Desboutin’s drypoints (Degas’s Drinker: portraits by Marcellin Desboutin) and Degas, Caricature and Modernity: Daumier, Gavarni, Keene with caricatures and satire picturing the XIXth century (until January 4).

Basel is the place to be if you want to see around 100 drawings and other works of art exploring multifaceted women in Nouveau bâtiment: Féminité. Eros, pouvoir, morale et mort vers 1500, open until January 7.


The Munch Museum in Oslo is looking for a Curator / Senior Curator with a specialisation in modern art 19th-20th c. and with expertise and interest in prints and drawings: apply by December 17.

The Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich is appointing a new Curator starting on April 1. Complete the online application and apply by December 31.

The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam offers many different research fellowships for the 2018-2019 academic year: the closing date for all applications is January 14.


Next year in June, the University of Warsaw and the National Museum in Warsaw will host the conference: Multiplied and Modified. Reception of the Printed Image in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. Submit your abstracts by January 15.

The book series "Visual and Material Culture 1300-1700" (Amsterdam University Press) is considering proposals relating to the role of images and objects in the late medieval and early modern era, deadline January 31!


The Association of Print Scholars invites submissions for two grant opportunities: the Schulman and Bullard Article Prize (for an article by an early-career scholar which brings innovative research on fine art prints or printmaking) and the APS Collaboration Grant (for public programs and projects that introduce prints to new audiences).


The new issue of The Print Quarterly is out! (Volume XXXIV no. 4 December 2017)

The journal Grafica d'Arte has just published its special end-of-the-year issue on contemporary Italian woodcut and wood engraving (1965-2017): Y. XXVIII, no. 112.


You are probably all busy writing up to meet deadlines or running to attend a vernissage, but we hope that you can enjoy the Xmas atmosphere all around...and that you find some time to read The News Corner! :)

Silvia Massa

AG Communication Coordinator

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