Zürich, Insights into "Learning to draw" @GraphischeSammlung @ETH
Guided tour with curator Michael Matile through the exhibition “Learning to draw” at the Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich January 15th,...
EINZIGARTIG! Ars Graphica DE zu Gast im Dresdner Kupferstich-Kabinett
Am 7. September 2017 war ARS GRAPHICA DE eingeladen zu einem Curatorial Walk in der Ausstellung "Einzigartig! - Unika und Seltenheiten...
The first of Graphic arts in dialogue! workshop took place in Rome on 21-24 June 2017. It was dedicated to graphic art techniques,...
In the Workshop of a Netherlandish Master. Dutch and Flemish Drawings from the Collection of the Nat
Ars Graphica Polska was invited to participate in the curatorial walk-through of the exhibition "In the Workshop of a Netherlandish...
Ars Graphica Deutschland trifft sich im Städel
Das erste Treffen von Ars Graphica Deutschland fand am 4. April im Städel Museum in Frankfurt am Main statt und präsentierte sich als...
Ars Graphica lädt ein ins Städel
Am Dienstag, dem 04. April 2017, ab 14.00 Uhr werden wir gemeinsam das Städel-Museum in Frankfurt besuchen, wo uns die MitarbeiterInnen...
SAVE THE DATE - Graphic arts in Dialogue! Rome 21-24 June 2017
Bringing together specialists in graphic arts every year in a different country, the aim is to exchange ideas & experiences about the...
Ars Graphica events - 2014 / 2015 / 2016
2016 4 July AG DUTCH – visit of the private collection Liberna Joyce Zelen 28 June PARIS - visit of the Taylor Foundation presented...
Swiss Congress of Art History 2016
Preparatory drawing, proof print & counterproof – The artist’s graphic material Ars Graphica managed a panel at the: 3rd Swiss Congress...